About US:
At Coastal Spine and Sport, we offer Chiropractic and spinal care, non-surgical spinal decompression, active and passive rehabilitation as well as therapeutic massage.
Our Providers have extensive knowledge and experience treating Motor Vehicle Accident injuries while working closely with the patient’s attorney or insurance company.
Our office is one of the few in the greater Charleston area who accept and treat United States Veterans through the VA Community Care program.
We are a preferred provider for most all major health insurance plans.
Same day appointments are available, and we will do our best to schedule your appointment as soon as possible.
Please contact us by phone 843.277.0707 to request additional information or to schedule an appointment.
Our address is 7509 Northside Drive, Suite B, in North Charleston, SC. We are conveniently located off I-26’s exit, Ashley Phosphate Rd (Exit 209)